In their culminating act, the Hub’s summer scholars will showcase the vital work they have been pursuing this summer to members of the CHEER team, it's partner organizations, and the general public.
Over the course of six weeks, these eight students have participated in various research activities, traveled to several different locations across North Carolina to conduct fieldwork, and learned about various topical issues related to climate change and community resilience.
Based in East Carolina University, there will be eight 30-minute presentations over two days. On Monday, July 23rd, the morning session will run from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., and the afternoon session from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. The remaining three students will present from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on July 24th. You can access the livestream via Webex.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 – Morning Session
Equity in Outreach: Reaching Socially Vulnerable Populations with Hurricane Information Across Eastern North Carolina
Melissa Villarreal | University of Colorado Boulder, Sociology
Melissa will be discussing equity in community outreach and how officials share information and resources with socially vulnerable populations before, during, and after coastal disasters.
From Warnings to Action: Building Long-Term Resilience by Effectively Communicating Hurricane and Flood Risk to Communities
Nimay Mahajan | University of Miami, Meteorology & Mathematics
Nimay’s presentation will focus on the strengths and challenges of communicating risk within communities, agencies, and the government. It will also examine the methods used to reach diverse populations and the creation/interpretation of emergency graphics/alerts.
Understanding Community Perceptions and Policy Challenges of Sea Level Rise in Eastern North Carolina
Alasqa Farley | University of Delaware, Environmental and Resource Economics
Alasqa’s research will explore how communities in Eastern North Carolina perceive and educate themselves about sea level rise, and how policies, the media, and local governments influence those perceptions.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 – Afternoon Session
Coastal Vulnerabilities to Hurricanes and Floods: Are Policy Actors Building Resilience of Mobile-Manufactured Homes?
Amidu Kalokoh | Virginia Commonwealth University, Doctoral Candidate, Public Policy and Administration
Amidu’s work will examine coastal vulnerabilities to hurricanes and floods and their impacts on mobile-manufactured homes in Eastern North Carolina. Focuses on how existing counties’ and cities’ emergency management policies integrate emergency-related needs of mobile-manufactured homes in their plans and actions for resilience.
Permanence of Place in an Impermanent Environment: Hurricane Environmental Security for Mobile Manufactured Homes
Sydney Sherbitsky | Stony Brook University, Environmental Studies
Sydney will be discussing the social, manufacturing/economic, and environmental factors that contribute to or inhibit environmental security for mobile manufactured homeowners in the event of a hurricane.
Confronting Social Stigma: Aid Distribution for Mobile-Manufactured Homes After Hurricanes in Eastern North Carolina
Susan Funes | Kean University, History
Susan will present her research on the conflicts in providing aid to those who live in mobile-manufactured homes due to the stigma surrounding mobile homes. She will also discuss how cities and/or counties provide aid after a hurricane.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Motivations and Timelines Across Distinct Pathways to Long-Term Hurricane Recovery
Max Masleyev | Cornell University, Atmospheric Science
Max’s presentation will investigate specific pathways for homeowners (repair/rebuild, elevation, buyout), and detailing their motivations and timelines. He will also provide background on notable hurricanes that impacted the region and the associated inland flood risks that directly impacted North Carolina homeowners.
Renters And Non-US Citizens’ Pathways and Challenges to Hurricane and Flooding Recovery: Local Government and NGO Perspectives
Nelson Adeniji | East Carolina University, Integrated Coastal Studies
Nelson’s work has explored the pathways and challenges to long-term recovery for renters and non-US citizens following storms in eastern North Carolina. His presentation will focus on how governmental and non-governmental organizations approach these populations.
Exploring The Role of Flood Insurance in Long-Term Recovery: An Analysis of Eastern North Carolina Communities
Grace Weinrich | University of Colorado Boulder, Psychology & Sociology
Grace’s research has investigated whether obtaining flood insurance – specifically the FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program – plays a part in the post-hurricane recovery process.
For more information about the event, access the flyer here.