DRC Alumni Profiles: 36


Farah Nibbs

DEGREE: 2024, Ph.D., Disaster Science and Management

JOB TITLE: Assistant Professor, UMBC



Zackery R White

DEGREE: 2024, Ph.D., Epidemiology

JOB TITLE: Research Analyst, Unite Us



Christopher Tharp

DEGREE: 2023, Ph.D., Political Science and International




Yajaira I. Ayala

DEGREE: 2022, Ph.D., Disaster Science & Management




Colten James Strickland

DEGREE: 2022, Ph.D., Epidemiology

JOB TITLE: COVID-19 Epidemiology and Surveillance Manager, San Francisco Department of Public Health



Nancy Rios-Contreras

DEGREE: 2021, Ph.D., Criminology

JOB TITLE: Assistant Professor of Sociology, Chapman University



Samantha Penta

DEGREE: 2017, Ph.D., Sociology

JOB TITLE: Assistant Professor, University at Albany, State University of New York



Anthony Cario

DEGREE: 2016, M.S., Disaster Science and Management

JOB TITLE: Project Lead, IT Team, All Hands and Hearts



Benjamin D. Wallace

DEGREE: 2016, M.S., Disaster Science and Management

JOB TITLE: International Practice Coordinator, SPIN Global



Mary (Maggie) Nelan

DEGREE: 2016, Ph.D., Sociology

JOB TITLE: Assistant Professor, University of North Texas



Juan Camilo Sánchez Gil

DEGREE: 2016, Ph.D., Disaster Science and Management

JOB TITLE: Professor, Universidad de Antioquia



Paige Fitzgerald

DEGREE: 2016, M.S., Disaster Science and Managemen

JOB TITLE: Senior Administrator, Delaware Emergency Management Agency


DRC Alumni Profiles: 36


Paige Fitzgerald

DEGREE: 2016, M.S., Disaster Science and Managemen

JOB TITLE: Senior Administrator, Delaware Emergency Management Agency

Paige currently serves on the executive leadership team at DEMA. She previously served as a Planning Supervisor for the Natural Hazards section in which managed state disaster recovery and mitigation planning efforts, including the state Public Assistance program, Individual Assistance program, and Long Term Recovery efforts.She has also supervised the Terrorism Preparedness section, during which time she oversaw the strategic purchases of equipment, training, exercises, and programs throughout the state to help reduce risk and increase readiness and resiliency across the state. She has also served as the Exercise Coordinator in the Training & Exercise section, in which she planned and coordinated HSEEP-compliant state-level exercises in support of Homeland Security Grant Program objectives.Finally, Paige serves as a Program Administrator for the DEMA sUAS Program and previously as the Chairwoman of the State UAS Training and Certification Steering Committee. In these roles, she sets training standards and teaches flight courses for public safety agencies throughout Delaware. She is also an instructor of Emergency Management at Delaware Technical & Community College.

Juan Camilo Sánchez Gil

DEGREE: 2016, Ph.D., Disaster Science and Management

JOB TITLE: Professor, Universidad de Antioquia

Juan Sánchez is professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering at Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia. Juan obtained his Ph.D. in Disaster Science and Management at University of Delaware (2016), USA, and a M.Sc. in Logistics and transportation at Chalmers University of Technology (2005), Sweden. He is strongly interested in conducting empirical and scientific research involving cross-sector logistics partnerships to better benefit the affected by natural and manmade disasters.

Zack Adinoff

DEGREE: 2013, M.S., Disaster Science and Management

JOB TITLE: Emergency Planner, Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff, Emergency Services Division

Zack Adinoff (M.S. ’13) is an Emergency Planner for Contra Costa County in the San Francisco Bay Area. In addition to the general responsibilities of public safety, planning, and general disaster continuity; he is the liaison for cities within the central part of the county as well as specializing in logistics and continuity of operations/government planning. He has developed a Point of Distribution Plan and collaborated on various other projects including a Catastrophic Earthquake Plan. Prior to this, he was the Emergency Management Project Coordinator for the California Resiliency Alliance, a non-profit focused on bridging the gap between Private and Public Sector emergency managers. In this role, he developed a Disaster Legislative Waiver process and Disaster Access to Travel program along with managing many others. Before this as part of his degree and for six months afterward, he worked for the San Francisco Department of Emergency Management. While there, he developed a three day functional tsunami exercise, did a comparative analysis of San Francisco and nearby San Mateo mass casualty incident plans, and assisted with numerous other projects and plans.

During his time as a student in the University of Delaware Disaster Science and Management Program, Zack specialized in High Reliability Organizations and network response theory. He has applied these concepts and others taught in the DISA program across his numerous positions. The most important lesson he learned was that disasters are less about management and more about coordination.​


James B. Goetschius

DEGREE: 2014, Ph.D., Disaster Science and Management

JOB TITLE: Deputy Commander, U.S. Army Health Facility Planning Agency

Colonel Jim Goetschius (Ph.D. ’14) serves as the Deputy Commander for the U.S. Army Health Facility Planning Agency (HFPA) in Falls Church, Virginia. He is also the Army Surgeon General’s Health Facilities Planning Consultant responsible for recruiting, training, and retaining subject matter expertise in the health facility planning career field. Before his current assignment, Jim served as HFPA’s Director, Project Execution Division where he led a global team of professionals in executing the U.S. Army’s $6.6 billion medical facility capital investment program serving more than 3.9 million beneficiaries. He was also responsible for the execution of $1.8 billion in initial outfitting and transition requirements.

Jim is a veteran of the conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Kosovo, where his responsibilities included the design-build of the theater hospital at Balad Airbase in Iraq and the construction of the multinational hospital at Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo. He is certified an urban planner by the American Institute of Certified Planners, designated a Level II Certified Acquisition Professional in Facilities Engineering by the Army Acquisition Corps, and credentialed as a Defense Support of Civil Authorities Specialist.

Jim is an active volunteer leader with Team Rubicon and serves as their Logistics Manager for Maryland and Delaware.


Anne Goodman

DEGREE: 2014, M.S., Disaster Science and Management

JOB TITLE: Workers’ Compensation Claims Representative, Sedgwick Claims Management

Anne is a Newark, DE native currently living on a small South Jersey farmstead and working in Philadelphia, PA. She earned her undergraduate degrees in Interpersonal Communications and Sociology with an Emergency and Environmental Management concentration from the University of Delaware in 2012 (minoring in Spanish). Since graduating from the DISA program, Anne has had a rather eclectic career-path working both abroad and in the US. She first served a year as an Americorps VISTA volunteer supporting New Jersey Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NJVOAD) recovery efforts 2 years after Hurricane Sandy. On the side, she worked with the Hillsborough Township NJ Engineering Department to build a cohesive GIS-mapping compatible data-set for their storm water management locations. After that she spent 4 months in 2016 with Conscious Impact Nepal doing administration, outreach and sustainable earthquake-resistant construction in a rural village outside Kathmandu during the aftermath of the April 2014 earthquake. An avid cyclist, she returned to Newark in 2017 for 6 months to co-manage the Newark Bike Project’s store-front before flying back to Asia to manage Global Vision International (GVI)’s Asian-elephant conservation and alternative livelihoods project in Chiang Mai, Thailand. She then returned to Conscious Impact Nepal for another month in 2018 to assist with their risk management and financial development efforts. After another 6 months working as the Business Development Coordinator for the Newark Bike Project (and guest-moderating the UD DISA Grad Sudent Forum), she entered the professional world of risk management and insurance claims at Sedgwick CMS Inc in October 2018. There, she earned her Associate in Risk Management (ARM) certification while handling “personal disasters” for injured workers in PA, NJ and VA. From there she hopes to make her way into disaster risk resilience expert consulting. She hopes to earn her doctorate and use her expertise to help others effectively handle whatever life throws their way.
Alumni Engagement

Alumni are the university’s most valuable resources. By investing your time, talent and treasure, you make a deep impact that increases the value of a University of Delaware degree. View some of the ways we keep engaged below.

DRC 2019 07 NHW Alumni Reception

ABOVE: DRC faculty, students and alums at the Annual DRC Alumni Reception, 2019.

Each year DRC hosts the Annual DRC Alumni Reception at the Natural Hazards Workshop! This is a great opportunity to meet DRC alums and to connect/reconnect with old and new friends.

Share Your Knowledge

Each semester, we welcome our alumni to share their work, research, and experiences with our students. Whether they join us in person or virtually, our current students are always excited to hear from those in the expansive network of DRC alumni from around the world. Reach out to drc-mail@udel.edu! We would love to hear from you.

Inspire the Future

Our alumni value providing hands-on experiences for our students, be it through practicums, internships, and invitations for students to come and share their innovative research with the alum’s organization. Some have even designated awards to support students through assistantships, summer internship stipends, and travel support to attend conferences. Contact us at drc-mail@udel.edu if you have an idea of how you want to support this next generation of scholars and practitioners.

Stay Connected

Stay connected to DRC by following the Disaster Research Center on Facebook and on Twitter, signing up for the DRC Dispatch newsletter, and updating your contact information to help us better communicate with you.