Health Risks Are Rising in Mountain Areas Flooded by Hurricane Helene and Cut Off From Clean Water, Power and Hospitals
EXPERT: Sarabeth Baxter Lowe
FEATURED IN: The Conversation — Tuesday, October 1, 2024
OVERVIEW: Hurricane Helene’s flooding has subsided, but health risks are growing in hard-hit regions of the North Carolina mountains, where many people lost . . .
Planning Now for the Disasters of Tomorrow
EXPERT: Jennifer M Trivedi
FEATURED IN: UDaily — Saturday, August 10, 2024
OVERVIEW: “Disasters know no boundary lines. Floods, earthquakes, wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, drought, conflict — they happen anywhere and everywhere on . . .
How heat and a hurricane combined for misery in Houston
EXPERT: Jennifer M Trivedi
FEATURED IN: E&E News by Politico — Friday, July 19, 2024
OVERVIEW: “Compound disasters such as hurricanes and heat waves are increasingly testing Texas and other states along the Gulf of Mexico, said Jennifer Trivedi, . . .
“‘There’s a phrase people use: “There’s’ no such thing as a natural disaster,”‘ Trivedi said. ‘Really what we mean by that is there is always some sort of human intervention, human decision-making, human structures that are shaping the systems that really ramp a hazard into a disaster.’ […]”
“At the same time, experts say equitable citywide access to cooling centers and other emergency resources is crucial for protecting vulnerable populations when the lights do go out. And, in the long term, building up climate resilience in socially vulnerable communities is key to better outcomes when disasters strike. ‘It really is an equity question,’ Trivedi said. ‘That’s something that has to be part of these conversations.’ […]”
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Multiple Placements
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: — Thursday, July 23, 2020
OVERVIEW: These are some older ones just to catch up for April, May, June – just submitted in case someone is keeping count:
Kennebec Journal, Quadrupling of state lab’s COVID-19 testing capacity puts Main in good position, public health officials say, June 14, 2020, https://www.centralmaine.com/2020/06/14/quadrupling-of-state-labs-covid-19-testing-capacity-puts-maine-in-good-position-public-health-experts-say/.
Mashable.com, Your favorite band knows how long the pandemic will last, June 13, 2020, https://mashable.com/article/coronavirus-live-music-festivals/.
Insider.com, Why tracing coronavirus cases from the Black Lives Matter protests could be nearly impossible, June 9, 2020, https://www.insider.com/contact-tracing-coronavirus-cases-after-protests-will-be-difficult-2020-6.
Portland Press Herald, Maine CDC begin providing almost daily numbers for negative COVID-19 tests, June 8, 2020, https://www.pressherald.com/2020/06/08/maine-cdc-begins-providing-almost-daily-negative-covid-19-test-numbers/.
EverydayHealth.com, Will the protests roiling America fuel new coronavirus outbreaks? June 6, 2020, https://www.everydayhealth.com/coronavirus/will-the-protests-roiling-america-fuel-new-coronavirus-outbreaks/.
Delaware State News, Epidemiologists and contact tracers are disease detectives, June 2, 2020, https://delawarestatenews.net/opinion/commentary/commentary-epidemiologists-and-contact-tracers-are-disease-detectives/.
Delaware State News, Social v. Science: Finding the middle group as pandemic restrictions loosen, May 29, 2020, https://delawarestatenews.net/coronavirus/social-vs-science-finding-the-middle-ground-as-pandemic-restrictions-loosen/.
DW.com, The Day: U.S. death toll reaches 100,000, May 27, 2020.
Georgia Public Broadcasting, What you need to know? Time to jump back in the pool, May 26, 2020, https://www.gpbnews.org/post/what-you-need-know-public-pools-and-coronavirus.
Costa Rica News, Does rain wash away coronavirus? May 26, 2020, https://qcostarica.com/does-rain-wash-away-the-coronavirus/.
Well+Good.com, 5 healthy hygiene habits you should definitely keep practicing post-pandemic, May 19, 2020, https://www.wellandgood.com/good-advice/healthy-hygiene-after-covid-19/.
Portland Press Herald, Maine reopening despite missed benchmarks, inadequate testing regime, May 17, 2020, https://www.pressherald.com/2020/05/17/maine-reopening-despite-missed-benchmarks-inadequate-testing-regime/.
Interact (American Planning Association), Connecting Epidemiology and Planning, May 13, 2020, https://www.planning.org/interact/2020/may13.htm.
Inverse.com, COVID-19 may change one common American behavior forever: Using Cash, May 9, 2020, https://www.inverse.com/mind-body/will-the-coronavirus-kill-cash.
Mashable.com, The first quarantine concert foretells music’s dystopian future, May 8, 2020, https://mashable.com/article/live-music-coronavirus-shutdown/.
Delaware Business Times, LabWare rolling out test kit to address nationwide data-collection gaps, May 4, 2020, https://delawarebusinesstimes.com/news/coronavirus/labware-covid-19-test-kit/
DW.com, The Day: World still seeking for COVID-19 drug, vaccine, April 30, 2020
Forbes.com, Does rain wash away COVID-19 coronavirus? April 30, 2020, https://www.forbes.com/sites/marshallshepherd/2020/04/29/does-rain-wash-away-covid-19-coronavirus/#7462ac910eec.
Delaware Business Times, Statewide COVID-19 testing plan could become a reality, April 29, 2020, https://delawarebusinesstimes.com/news/scan-delaware-health-covid-testing/.
Delaware Department of Health and Social Services, Contact tracing and COVID-19, April 27, 2020, https://www.facebook.com/DelawareDHSS/videos/537637940475709/
DelawareStateNews.com, Second virus wave? Experts unsure about possibilities. April 25, 2020, https://delawarestatenews.net/coronavirus/second-virus-wave-experts-unsure-about-possibilities/.
AZCentral.com, Despite calls for more COVID-19 testing in Arizona, the number of tests done each week has fallen, April 24, 2020, https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-health/2020/04/24/despite-need-more-coronavirus-tests-arizona-testing-has-trended-downward/3006419001/.
BusinessInsider.com, Air conditioning spread the coronavirus to 10 people sitting near an infected person in a restaurant. It has huge implications for the service industry, April 21, 2020, https://www.businessinsider.com/air-conditioning-spread-coronavirus-restaurant-can-service-industry-open-again-2020-4.
WDEL.com, We want our freedom back: Delawareans grow frustrated over shutdown, plan to protest, April 21, 2020, https://www.wdel.com/news/we-want-our-freedom-back-delawareans-grow-frustrated-over-shutdown-plan-to-protest/article_374aaa36-8347-11ea-a03c-3bf92107b8d1.html.
The News Journal, What would an economic reopening in Delaware entail and when can we expect it? April 18, 2020, https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/coronavirus-in-delaware/2020/04/17/what-would-economic-reopening-delaware-entail-and-when-can-we-expect-it/5139821002/.
Delaware Public Media, Answering Key Coronavirus Questions, April 17, 2020, https://www.delawarepublic.org/post/answering-key-coronavirus-questions.
Delaware Public Media, The Green, April 17, 2020, https://www.delawarepublic.org/post/green-april-17-2020.
Governing.com, Maine unable to report on daily coronavirus tests, April 16, 2020, https://www.governing.com/now/Maine-Unable-to-Report-on-Daily-Coronavirus-Tests.html.
Delaware State News, Almost 62,000 have sought unemployment in Delaware over the past four weeks, April 16, 2020, https://delawarestatenews.net/coronavirus/almost-62000-have-sought-unemployment-in-delaware-over-past-four-weeks/.
U.S. disaster response scrambles to protect people from both hurricanes and COVID-19
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: NPR.org — Wednesday, July 22, 2020
OVERVIEW: Like many places in the southeast, Houston lacked adequate shelter space before the pandemic, according to Jennifer Horney, founding director and professor with the University of Delaware’s epidemiology program.
U.S. Disaster Response Scrambles To Protect People From Both Hurricanes And COVID-19
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: NPR — Wednesday, July 22, 2020
OVERVIEW: Jennifer Horney, founding director of UD’s epidemiology program and core faculty with the Disaster Research Center, tells NPR that like many places in the southeast, Houston lacked adequate shelter space before the COVID-19 pandemic. She was on the ground conducting research after Hurricane Harvey hit the city in 2017. The piece was picked up by NPR affiliates nationwide.
U.S. Disaster Response Scrambles To Protect People From Both Hurricanes And COVID-19
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: NPR — Tuesday, July 21, 2020
OVERVIEW: With peak hurricane season yet to come, southeast communities are grappling with uncertainty over whether it’s possible to evacuate to shelters without risking coronavirus exposure. …
Vulnerable communities
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: UDaily, University of Delaware — Tuesday, July 21, 2020
OVERVIEW: Racial minorities and people with limited English are nearly seven times more likely to be infected with coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States, according to University of Delaware epidemiology researchers Dr. Ibraheem Karaye and Jennifer Horney.
The U.S. Is Severing Ties to the WHO
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: Eveyrday Health — Monday, July 20, 2020
How to evacuate and find emergency shelter during a pandemic
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: Popular Science — Sunday, July 19, 2020
How to evacuate and find emergency shelter during a pandemic
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: Popular Science — Sunday, July 19, 2020
In Houston’s fifth ward the storm never stops
EXPERT: Jennifer Trivedi
FEATURED IN: Texas Observer — Friday, July 17, 2020
OVERVIEW: Amal Ahmed wrote a piece for the Texas Observer on COVID-19 and other disasters in light of FEMA’s plans. She interviewed me as part of it and included information I shared about how there are bad options – doing things online leaves people out, but sending FEMA employees in puts employees and residents at COVID-19 risk. …
EXPERT: Jenn Trivedi
FEATURED IN: Texas Observer — Friday, July 17, 2020
Newark rally calls for action on climate change
EXPERT: Sarah DeYoung
FEATURED IN: Newark Post Online — Monday, November 8, 2021
OVERVIEW: More than 100 demonstrators gathered in Newark’s Kells Park on Sunday during a rally calling for action on climate change. The rally was planned to coincide with the COP26 Climate Summit in Scotland, where world leaders have gathered to discuss ways to combat climate change. …
New study shows pandemic response has swamped workforce and crippled other services
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: UDaily — Thursday, October 21, 2021
OVERVIEW: The cruel impact of COVID-19, the virus that emerged in late 2019 and has claimed 5 million lives to date, is chronicled in daily headlines. It has robbed us of loved ones, jobs, plans and so much more. The impact on those who treat the sick and dying has been the focus of much study and the exhaustion of health care workers pulling extra shifts and covering for inadequate staffing is well documented. …
All Animals Must Be Safe and Sound During Disasters
EXPERT: Sarah DeYoung
FEATURED IN: Psychology Today — Friday, September 17, 2021
OVERVIEW: I recently read a riveting and most important book by Drs. Sarah DeYoung and Ashley Farmer titled All Creatures Safe and Sound: The Social Landscape of Pets in Disasters, in which the authors offer, “a comprehensive study of what goes wrong in our disaster response that shows how people can better manage pets in emergencies—from the household level to the large-scale, national level,” and conducted on-the-ground research at seven recent disasters in the United States. …
All Animals Must Be Safe and Sound During Disasters
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: Psychology Today — Friday, September 17, 2021
OVERVIEW: Introducing a new book by Drs. Sarah DeYoung and Ashley Farmer! Deyoung and Farmer wrote this book because, despite the passage of the 2006 PETS Act, pets are still left behind in disasters and people still engage in evacuation refusal if they cannot easily bring their pets with them. During Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Harvey, there were national news stories about dogs stranded in flood waters and [the authors] felt that it was critical to identify the key social and behavioral factors that led to these scenarios, while also recognizing the complexities that affect these decisions.
Phill-area COVID-19 cases are leveling off, but health community is ‘bracing for an uptick’ heading into fall
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: The Philadelphia Inquirer — Thursday, September 9, 2021
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: The Philadelphia Inquirer — Thursday, September 9, 2021
Strain of pandemic harms mental health of public health workers
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: — Wednesday, September 1, 2021
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: Delaware Public Media — Wednesday, August 18, 2021
State says its ready distribute covid booster shots
EXPERT: Jennifer A. Horney
FEATURED IN: Delaware Public Media — Wednesday, August 18, 2021
OVERVIEW: The Nation’s Health, A Publication of the American Public Health Association, Strain of pandemic harms mental health of public health workers, September 2021. Delaware Public Media, The state says it’s ready to distribute COVID booster shots, August 18, 2021.
PA, NJ, and Delaware leaders weigh vaccine-verification options, but largely hold off on mandates
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: The Philadelphia Inquirer — Monday, August 9, 2021