Health Risks Are Rising in Mountain Areas Flooded by Hurricane Helene and Cut Off From Clean Water, Power and Hospitals
EXPERT: Sarabeth Baxter Lowe
FEATURED IN: The Conversation — Tuesday, October 1, 2024
OVERVIEW: Hurricane Helene’s flooding has subsided, but health risks are growing in hard-hit regions of the North Carolina mountains, where many people lost . . .

Planning Now for the Disasters of Tomorrow
EXPERT: Jennifer M Trivedi
FEATURED IN: UDaily — Saturday, August 10, 2024
OVERVIEW: “Disasters know no boundary lines. Floods, earthquakes, wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, drought, conflict — they happen anywhere and everywhere on . . .

How heat and a hurricane combined for misery in Houston
EXPERT: Jennifer M Trivedi
FEATURED IN: E&E News by Politico — Friday, July 19, 2024
OVERVIEW: “Compound disasters such as hurricanes and heat waves are increasingly testing Texas and other states along the Gulf of Mexico, said Jennifer Trivedi, . . .
“‘There’s a phrase people use: “There’s’ no such thing as a natural disaster,”‘ Trivedi said. ‘Really what we mean by that is there is always some sort of human intervention, human decision-making, human structures that are shaping the systems that really ramp a hazard into a disaster.’ […]”
“At the same time, experts say equitable citywide access to cooling centers and other emergency resources is crucial for protecting vulnerable populations when the lights do go out. And, in the long term, building up climate resilience in socially vulnerable communities is key to better outcomes when disasters strike. ‘It really is an equity question,’ Trivedi said. ‘That’s something that has to be part of these conversations.’ […]”
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Covid Hazard Pay Has Ripple Effects in Today’s Overtime Cases
EXPERT: Jennifer Trivedi
FEATURED IN: Bloomberg Law — Tuesday, July 26, 2022
OVERVIEW: Potential wage-and-hour liability exposure persists for employers that provided additional wages in response to the pandemic, even as Covid-19 hazard pay has mostly dried up. …
Pushed by lawmakers and the formula shortage, FEMA boosts efforts to support breastfeeding families during disasters
EXPERT: Sarah E. DeYoung
FEATURED IN: The 19th — Monday, June 6, 2022
OVERVIEW: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) updated its website last week to make clear that breastfeeding resources are eligible for financial assistance for families affected by disasters – a message that’s all the more crucial as parents contend with a nationwide formula shortage. …
As climate change worsens hurricane season in Louisiana, doulas are ensuring parents can safely feed their babies
EXPERT: Sarah E. DeYoung
FEATURED IN: The 19th — Thursday, May 5, 2022
OVERVIEW: When Hurricane Laura hit Louisiana in August 2020, over 10,500 residents from the southwestern part of the state fled their homes for New Orleans. A central evacuation resource hub where evacuees could go to find basic necessities like food, water and clothing was set up downtown. …
Prediction of population behavior in hurricanes
EXPERT: Prosper Kosi Anyidoho
FEATURED IN: No longer available — Friday, April 1, 2022
OVERVIEW: My new publication on the “Prediction of population behavior in hurricanes”
Regional county-level housing inventory predictions and the effects on hurricane risk
EXPERT: Caroline Williams
FEATURED IN: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences — Wednesday, March 30, 2022
OVERVIEW: Regional hurricane risk is often assessed assuming a static housing inventory, yet a region’s housing inventory changes continually. Failing to include changes in the built environment in hurricane risk modeling can substantially underestimate expected losses. This study uses publicly available data and a long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network model to forecast the annual number of housing units for each of 1000 individual counties in the southeastern United States over the next 20 years. …
Here’s how disaster declarations work—and why aid takes so long
EXPERT: Jennifer Trivedi
FEATURED IN: Southerly — Friday, February 18, 2022
OVERVIEW: Last year, 58 major natural disasters hit the United States. Twenty-one of those disasters caused $1 billion or more in damage, making 2021 the third costliest year for natural disasters, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Last year’s were also the deadliest since 2011. …
How Bitcoin Adoption Could Bring Major Prosperity to Puerto Rico
EXPERT: Christopher Tharp
FEATURED IN: Bitcoin Magazine — Sunday, January 30, 2022
OVERVIEW: By 2017, I was peripherally aware of the existence of Bitcoin as an idea, though it remained unknown to me as a global phenomenon. I had yet to learn about Bitcoin as the antifragile and sovereign monetary system able to compete globally at scale with the U.S. dollar — as the political economic worldview grounded in anarcho-capitalist, “cypherpunk” philosophies of power, value, individual autonomy and mutualist community sovereignty. …
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Initial Assessment Report
EXPERT: Eileen Young
FEATURED IN: FEMA — Thursday, December 23, 2021
OVERVIEW: FEMA’s IAR reviews the first several months of the COVID-19 response. I helped in this as a contractor on the survey team, reviewing early surveys done in the regions, working with my supervisor to develop and conduct the FEMA-wide survey, and taking point on all the survey analytics. I also wrote the data callout on PDF page 70 of the IAR, but mostly I did the survey stuff. …
Hurricane Ida destroyed affordable rental units, hundreds of families still can’t find new ones
EXPERT: Jennifer Trivedi
FEATURED IN: The Philadelphia Inquirer — Thursday, December 9, 2021
OVERVIEW: “If you’re already in a precarious situation financially … that narrow slice of availability can get erased,” said Jennifer Trivedi, a faculty member at the University of Delaware’s Disaster Research Center. …
A Disastrous Book Collection: How a Tornado Inspired a Student’s Journey
EXPERT: Logan Gerber-Chavez
FEATURED IN: — Tuesday, November 16, 2021
OVERVIEW: First in a series of articles highlighting the winners of the third annual Seth Trotter Book Collecting Contest, sponsored by the Friends of the University of Delaware Library. Fourth-year doctoral student in the Disaster Science and Management Program at the University of Delaware, Logan Gerber-Chavez collection recounting stories of tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, mining spills, climate change, toxic chemical exposure, pandemics and more. …

Handling travel concerns as coronavirus anxieties continue
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: EverydayHealth.com — Tuesday, March 10, 2020
OVERVIEW: Although the number of COVID-19 cases is growing, Jennifer Horney, PhD, professor of epidemiology and core faculty with the Disaster Research Center at the University of Delaware, encourages people to proceed cautiously but not to overreact.

Coins carry virus better than paper money, experts say as China begins sterilizing cash
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: BusinessInsider.com — Tuesday, March 10, 2020
OVERVIEW: How should you handle your money in the times of COVID-19? Epidemiologist Jennifer Horney of the University of Delaware says credit cards are least risky to use, since those can be wiped down.

Fact Check: White House falsely claims the coronavirus has been contained in the U.S.
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: CNN.com — Saturday, March 7, 2020
OVERVIEW: “As many states in the US report an increasing number of cases, I do not believe it would be accurate to say that COVID-19 is contained globally or in the US,” said Jennifer Horney, professor and founding director of the epidemiology program at the University of Delaware.

Gig economy workers say they’ll have to work through the coronavirus outbreak even if they get sick
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: BusinessInsider.com — Friday, March 6, 2020
OVERVIEW: “It’s the winter and we frequently have colds or respiratory viruses,” epidemiologist Jennifer Horney, of the University of Delaware, told Insider. “So you may just be used to dealing with something mild like that. And think well, I’m nowhere near sick enough to stay home from work.”

COVID-19: Tips for Hotel Managers
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: HospitalityNet.org — Friday, March 6, 2020
OVERVIEW: Authors Sheryl F. Kline; Jennifer Horney, professor of epidemiology at the University of Delaware; and Katie Kirsch provide tips on keeping employees and guests safe from the spread of COVID-19.

Expert insight on coronavirus
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: UDaily — Thursday, March 5, 2020

State, UD officials discuss coronavirus preparations
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: Newark Post — Thursday, March 5, 2020

As coronavirus panic deepens, online food orders are booming
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: The Counter — Thursday, March 5, 2020

How deadly is the new coronavirus? Data from the spread of U.S. cases could help answer that
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: Live Science — Wednesday, March 4, 2020
OVERVIEW: The number of cases it takes to raise the alarm depends on the infectious agent, the time of year and the population in a region, said Jennifer Horney, an epidemiologist at the University of Delaware affiliated with the Disaster Research Center.

Understanding coronavirus risks in West Virginia (Audio)
EXPERT: Jennifer Horney
FEATURED IN: West Virginia Public Broadcasting — Wednesday, March 4, 2020
OVERVIEW: Health reporter Kara Lofton spoke with Dr. Jennifer Horney, an epidemiologist at the University of Delaware, about what is known about coronavirus so far and what West Virginians might be able to expect.