What is “DRCit”?

This educational initiative works to make academic research more accessible. DRC researchers consolidate numerous studies around a topic into four easy to access products. 

 How We Develop Our Products

Topics selected are based on inquiries made to the Disaster Research Center. Once a topic is selected, DRC researchers search extensively for resources and review each source. Findings are consolidated into themes for easy, quick understanding. From these themes, two summaries are developed: a theme summary and a topic summary. Finally, videos are commissioned to articulate the findings in a creative way.

DRC IT: DRC Research Assistants and DISA students Connor Dacey and Aimee Mankins presenting their work on DRC It!
ABOVE: DRC Research Assistants and DISA students Connor Dacey and Aimee Mankins presenting their work on DRC It!

Hurricane Evacuation Decision Making

Why people do or do not evacuate during a hurricane response

Understanding the reasons why individuals choose to evacuate or not is a complex issue that researchers have been studying for years. Our products highlight the most important and consistent findings within the hurricane evacuation decision making literature.


​​Video animation by Ninja Tropic.

Business Recovery

What Affects Post Disaster Business Recovery?

Understanding the factors that influence why some businesses recover after a disaster and some do not is a complex issue that researchers have been studying for years. Our products highlight the most important and consistent findings within the business recovery after disaster literature.


​​Video animation by Ninja Tropic.

Disclaimer: These documents were produced before COVID-19. The information here is the current state-of-the-art in understanding disaster, but has not been tested at the scale of a global pandemic.

Risk Communication: How to improve risk communication during a public health crisis

How to improve risk communication during a public health crisis

How does risk perception influence the way people respond to risk communication messages during a public health crisis and what factors should communicators take into account when crafting messages? Our products highlight important findings in the disaster literature.

​​Video animation by Ninja Tropic.

Disclaimer: These documents were produced before much of the ongoing COVID-19 research was still underway and not yet published. Those using this information would benefit from valuable research that is published in the years after the pandemic’s emergence.